Embodying Neuroscience: Symposium & Conference — Sept 2012

I’ll be presenting a Workshop at the Feldenkrais Conference in San Francisco

Deepening our Somatic Dialogue: Shaping Actions into Behavior

Each of us creates a habitual and unique movement signature that is recognizable by how we move through space. This includes our emotional expressions—how we shape our excitement, overwhelm, concern, delight. These are physical acts that are an integral part of every move we make. Drawing upon the work of Stanley Keleman’s Formative Psychology®, we will explore how we influence and generate our inner vitality by how we shape our actions into behaviors. Through classic Awareness Through Movement® lessons, somatic practices and discussion we will deepen and expand how we participate in our inner somatic dialogue and how we can take this into our lives and work.

  • Date: September 02, 2012
  • Open To: Public / Practitioners / Trainees
  • Time: 10:00am-12:30pm, 2:30pm-5:00pm
  • Cost: $135 for this workshop only click here for more information. Call  800-775-2118 to register

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