I am currently writing a series of publications focusing on social-emotional somatic curriculum for working with children under the title — Thinking Bodies, Moving Minds. This work is inspired by all the children I have taught over the last twenty years and teach now — who teach me something every class. My approach is informed by my years of in-depth studies with Stanley Keleman in Formative Psychology®, my twenty years as a practitioner of the Feldenkrais Method®, my training in Aikido, and my background in dance. I have been developing and teaching movement classes and a body-based approach to working with children as part of the curriculum at private elementary schools since 1997. I have also taught workshops to teachers, somatic psychology interns, and somatic educators.
Thus far, I am working on:
- a book for people and parenting adults interested in developmental learning and somatic education for children,
- a teacher’s guide for incorporating somatic learning in the classroom, and
- a curriculum approach with examples and lesson guides for movement teachers and somatic educators.
I’ve been writing about some of this work in blog posts over the last few years that you might be interested in. You can see some of these below.