Chi Nei Tsang & Feldenkrais

Breathing Deeply, Opening Fully

Sunday, August 1st  2010 — 9:30 am-6:30 pm in Oakland

A Powerful Meeting of Modalities

Gilles Marin* and I will co-lead this powerful weekend of Awareness through Movement and Chi Nei Tsang practices.
Open to somatic practitioners, trainees and people engaged in Feldenkrais or Chi Nei Tsang already.

*Gilles Marin is the founder and director of the Chi Nei Tsang Institute in Oakland, California. His work profoundly informs my extensive Feldenkrais hands-on training. The meeting of our respective modalities in the frame of our common background in Aikido creates a potent opportunity for learning and growth.

Space is limited, so register now — Call (510) 527-5981 or email me: