Creating a Rich and Satisfying Life — Somatic Workshop Jan 2011
Creating a Rich and Satisfying Life: Growing Layers to Form a Personal Identity
Sunday, January 23rd, 2011 1pm – 5pm in Oakland
with Peter Wright* and Sonja Sutherland
Great athletes develop an ability to perform very complex motor actions with a high degree of sophistication, elegance and ease. Great thinkers develop a similar grace in the complexity, depth and breadth of their thinking — creating detailed connections across disciplines. The same intentional process can also support our forming rich and satisfying layers in how we live and how we love.
In this workshop we will explore somatic practices that support the development of a dynamic personal identity, a structural integrity through the many layers of our lives.
*Peter W. Wright is a Somatic psychotherapist, receiving his Masters in Somatic Psychology in 1991. He has been practicing and teaching Aikido as an integral part of healing and self-discovery for over 20 years. Peter is a supervisor at the Center for Somatic Psychotherapy, and sees individuals and couples in his private practice in Berkeley and San Francisco.