Deepening Our Somatic Dialogue Workshop


I am looking forward to teaching this workshop on Sunday, October 27th.

As many of you know, my longtime teacher Stanley Keleman, founder of Formative Psychology, gave the keynote address at the Feldenkrais Conference this year. Following this, I taught a series of experiential morning classes during which we explored some fundamental ways in which his Formative principles and approach relate to the Feldenkrais Method®.

I have spent a lot of time over the last few years, and particularly in leading up to the 2013 Feldenkrais Conference, deepening and bringing new dimensions to my understanding of human behavior and growth through how the Formative principles and approach relate to the Feldenkrais Method.

I would like to invite you to join me on Sunday October 27th for a day-long workshop in Berkeley.

“Deepening Our Somatic Dialogue”

with Sonja H. Sutherland

The workshop will include somatic practices deeply informed by Stanley Keleman’s Formative approach and the Feldenkrais Method. We will investigate how we participate in how we create our experiences, influence our behavior, form our words and thinking, and generate meaning. And we will explore how this informs how we relate to ourselves, others and our world.

Sunday, October 27th 2013
10 am – 5 pm

The Berkeley School
1310 University Ave Berkeley, CA 94702

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